Web Development & Web Design
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Total of News: 8 | News per Page: 10 |
Wordpress Updated And 10 Things That You Should Know Before - After You Upgrade
webdesignbooth.com | Thu 18th , June 2009
Wordpress 2.8 And 10 Things That You Should Know Before/After You Upgrade
W3C Celebrates Semantic Web Progress at SemTech 2009
W3C | Tue 16th , June 2009
W3C technical staff and more than 30 W3C Member organizations will present at the Semantic Technology Conference (SemTech) this week in San Jose, California. Sessions led by W3C staff and Member organ
SEO Penalties
SEO Guide | Mon 15th , June 2009
While performing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your website, you may notice a sudden sharp decline in visitors from a particular search engine. This can happen for any number of reasons, but the
Palm Pre Review - Hardware Could Be Better WebOS Solid
Thom Holwerda | Fri 5th , June 2009
The Palm Pre will hit the stores on Saturday, June 6, and it has a very important task to fulfil. Contrary to what the sensationlist media want you to believe, that task is not to dethrone the iPhone,
Unix Turns 40 - Past Present Future of a Revolutionary OS
Thom Holwerda | Thu 4th , June 2009
Gary Anthes offers an overview history of Unix forty years since Ken Thompson banged out the first version in assembly language for a wimpy DEC PDP-7 minicomputer, spending one week each on the operat
Opera 10 Beta
Kroc Camen | Thu 4th , June 2009
Opera have announced the release of Opera 10 beta.
Learn Ruby on Rails: the Ultimate Beginners Tutorial
Patrick Lenz | Sat 14th , February 2009
While it certainly makes no attempt to constitute a complete guide to the Ruby language, this tutorial will introduce you to some of the basics of Ruby. We\\\\\\\'ll power through a crash-cour
Server-side Coding Ruby and Rails
Patrick Lenz | Sat 14th , February 2009
OK, so Ruby on Rails is well structured and saves us time. But where do you start if you're completely new to web development? In this article, Patrick teaches you the important theory behind the fra